Saturday 6 August 2016


Write 10 words that are pronounced the same

Air / Heir
·         The air was blowing to the south ( air = aire )
·         Felipe is the heir of this fortune (heir = heredero )

For / Four
·         I need the book for the math class ( for = para )
·         I have four pencils ( four = cuatro)

Hour / Our
·         In one hour I have an important meeting ( hour = hora)
·         Our house is located in Bogotá (our = nuestro (s )/nuestra (s) )

Made / Maid
·         I made a letter for my boyfriend ( made = pasado de make )
·         The maid cleans the apartment (maid = empleada doméstica )

Soul / Sole
·         Rock save my soul ( soul = alma )
·         I put a new sole to my shoes ( sole = suela )

Would / Wood
·         She would never kiss Santiago ( would = haría / quería )
·         Most of the tables are made of wood ( wood = madera )

There / Their
There were a lot of people ( there = allí / allá / ahí )
People lose their minds ( their = sus )

Blue / Blew
·         My T-shirt is blue ( blue = azul )
·         The wind blew ( blew = pasado de blow )

Hear / Here
·         I hear you have a new friend (hear = oír )
·         Here you have the documents you asked ( here = aquí )

To / Two
·         I listen to music (to = a )
·         I have two scissors  ( two = dos )


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